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The Journey of Arachne's Web

Stop in for tea!

This was our scrapbook page, now it will have images from our shop! 

We've added a few images of the shop as it looks now. It changes frequently as we get in new stock and move things around. We're squeezing a lot into this space!

This is Arachne's Web first Yule tree! We found wonderful little goodies to decorate - witchy ornaments, cottage items like mushrooms, and some pretty handmade items from around the world. Alison made some additional ornaments out of oranges.

We're pretty happy with it!

This will likely be the spot for various holiday items and supplies specific to different seasons. 


Our selection of books is just starting! We will be doing book orders on a regular basis. We have a basic collection of tarot and oracle decks also.

We carry the etched chalices Mars makes, as well as the stained glass technique chalices Alison makes.

You will find a variety of fun witchy home decor mixed in with ritual tools and supplies!

Mars got the herb shelves done just in time! We've started filling them with all kinds of herbal goodies. 

If you don't find something you need, please tell us so we can add it to our next order! We will be bringing in a lot of new herbs on a regular basis!


We finally got the shop open! This is our front door, and our shop sign - visible from the road.

Mars was able to build the deck and stairs for the entrance just in time!


The heating is installed! And the house wrap is almost done. We need to rent a bucket truck to get the last bits up top.

Tomorrow, the last of the electrical wiring will be complete, and the work starts on the ceiling. Things should start moving faster now!

The glass case on the lawn there was a freebie we found by the road. We have to rebuild the base, but we kept it out of the landfill!

And another great update: we will have a classroom space! It won't be done when we open, but shortly after we will have a space for various services and classes!

The next pictures should be inside!!!

The Floor Going In!

It was a great day when the floor starting going in! We were both so excited to see a new, level floor in our barn! 

For so many years, the floor had been broken and unsafe. Now it is like new!


The Outside Work Underway

The inset shows what the south door to the woodshop looked like 2 years ago! It's come a long way! There was no floor, and Mars was working on trying to jack up the entire structure to replace the sills at that point.

THe south side looks wonderful now! Two nice new windows are letting sunlight flood into our shop area. Perfect for some beautiful spider plants. That will make my green heart happy.


The Job Underway

For me, this was when I realized just how big the job was going to be. So much of the structure was rotted, and needing replacement, or repair.

Mars worked out there for months, hand digging the excess soil out from underneath to make room for cement. Every piece of it he did by hand.

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