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About Us


About Arachne's Web

Arachne's Web holiday hours:

Store Hours Winter 2025*:

Sunday: 12pm-4pm

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wed 11:00 - 5:00

Thurs 11:00 - 6:00

Fri 11:00 - 5:00

Sat 11:00 - 5:00

*If you are traveling, and would like to come on a day we're closed, email us - we'd be happy to open by appointment.​

Location and Directions

Phone: 603-680-5158

Address:  606 2nd NH Turnpike, Hillsborough, NH 03244

Important note about GPS: If you put this address into GPS, it will try to send you to Francistown. We are in Hillsborough. Instead, put in Franklin Pearce Homestead. When you get there, go 2 miles up that road on the left, and you've found us!

Note about Google Maps:

The maps app is totally wrong right now. We've reported the problem.

Yelp is working just fine!

Check out our Gallery page to see picturesof the shop!

A bubbling cauldron and lots of witchy potions and ingredients around the sides.

Building Our Business

Mars and I had a brick and mortar store, years ago. It was "sort of" witchy, but more New Age. That shop closed in 2008 with the crash that took out so many wonderful witchy shops.  But Mars and I learned a lot, and we moved on.

Over the years since our shop closed, Mars and I talked about it, did a variety of creative projects together and I always studied Witchcraft and Herbalism. I have been reading and studying about plants, herbs, trees, stones and oils for over 40 years.


In 2019, I decided it was time to try out my dream shop as an Internet business. How would that work, I wondered.  Will I feel the same connection to my customers? Will they feel connected to me? Will we have the sense of community that you get in a local shop?

We decided to try Etsy first, because we have done business as artists on Etsy for years. We began putting up herbs, some candles, some oils and my sprays. Over time we added a little bit of jewelry, lots of stones and started adding a little art. Little by little, our sales grew, reviews from our lovely customers helped us gain traction.

Then Covid came, and the world turned on its ear for a few years. ​We kept our business and provided supplies to our customers. We even ran a subscription box for a little while, but that was a lot with my "day job".


In May of 2024, I retired! I was a little young to retire though, so now we are planning to open a brand new physical shop! We are restoring our 200 year old barn, and hope to open the shop late this Fall.


Mars and I still work together to make moonwater each time the moon is full. Mars makes magical charcoal for me in a firepit out back, I combine ingredients and make blends for all sorts of magic, and Mars does designs for chalices and wands and altar tiles and candle holders...his list is long! I have even returned to doing stained glass technique chalices and scrying mirrors!

We would both like to thank you, our customers, for bringing us to this point. The journey has had several starts and some stalls, but it has continued to move forward. We hope to get to know all of you in the years to come, and meet many of you in the shop!

Bright blessings!

Alison and Mars
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